
 It is always appreciated when we have positive feedback from parents/ carers, visitors or outside agencies. We welcome praise, encouragement and/ or advice and will always listen with an open mind to any ideas.

If you wish to leave feedback you can talk to a member of staff directly or use the nursery FAMLY app. We also aim to send out parent partnership surveys on a regular basis.

Any cards and letters we receive we keep in a folder in the office to look at occasionally to remind ourselves of the positive impact we have on families.


Complaints from parents/carers and staff will always be taken seriously.                            

Should a parent/carer or staff member wish to make a complaint or express a concern they are free to do so.

If the parent/carer wishes to raise a concern or register a complaint they can approach the Nursery Manager, via telephone, in person, or via email.  All complaints will be investigated and recorded, and the findings of the report will be shared within 28 days, a letter will be given to the complainant outlining the facts and main areas of investigation.

If the parent/carer then feels that the response is unsatisfactory, or the complaint may be related to an issue that you feel unable to discuss with the childcare provider such as a child protection concern, then you can contact OFSTED directly by visiting the Ofsted website at 

There may be times when employees, parents/ carers or visitors feel the need to report to Ofsted if they have concerns about practices and procedures for the safeguarding of children and young people.

Ofsted can be contacted in the following way:

Call them on 0300 123 3155 (Monday to Friday from 8.00a.m. to 6.00p.m.)

Email them at [email protected]

Write to them at:


Piccadilly Gate,

Store Street,


M1 2WD